Friday, April 01, 2011

LinkedIn - Fools

From the list of people I may know today...

Sherlock Holmes Detective at 221B Baker Street

John Watson Dr. Watson at 221B Baker Street

Ernest Hemingway Author

Robin Hood Activist/ Chief Fundraiser at Nottingham

the Hatter Riddler at 6 o'clock productions

J. R. R. Tolkien Father of modern fantasy literature

Groucho Marx Comedian

Albert Einstein E=mc^2

Werner Heisenberg This *may* be Heisenberg's profile

...but did I try to connect with any of them?  ;-)
And a round up of the other wind-ups...
The Sun - “Planet of the apps” in which primates have been handed iPads to keep them entertained whilst cooped up in their pens.

The Telegraph  - reports that Labour party members have been instructed by party high command to stage a real party, complete with bunting, street parties and trifles, to celebrate the forthcoming wedding of their leader, Ed Milliband. The name of the Labour party official behind this tacky party? Flora Lopi.

They also feature a top ten list of the “silliest walks” in Britain, including such gems as Kiss me arse steps, Cock-up bridge and Scrubby Bottoms. The paper claims it isn’t trying to lead anyone up the garden path.

Sky News - reporting that Muncaster castle in the Lake District is belatedly seeking a modern day jester to keep audiences amused for a 30min “Festival of Fools." All applicants welcome.

The Independent reports on Portugal’s debt mountain and that the countries star player, Cristiano Ronaldo, is to change his nationality from Portuguese to Spanish as part of a 160m euro deal to trim the countries spiralling debt.

...crazy fools!

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