Wednesday, November 17, 2010

R is for...



Just sheer grrrrrrR

With 2 metres of snow on the ground, students creating havoc on the streets of London and the world’s secrets leaking out of a Wiki something or other... you’d be forgiven for not having spotted the announcement of the new Porsche Cayman R.

‘R’ we’re told is not reserved for a nod of appreciation from a West Country farmer, but for something very special from the Porsche stable, yes it’s R for exclusive from the German car giant, like last year’s 911 GT3 R and the 911 R back in the late 60’s. In fact R for rare as there were only 19 made!

So why does the new Cayman get the R status?

An additional 10 hoRsepower perhaps which gets it from 0 to 60 in 4.9 seconds. Or the top speed of 175 miles peR hour? Or the fact that it’s lighteR.

Whatever it is... it looks absolutely awesome with the twin tail pipes and classic 60’s PORSCHE branding along each side of the car. Although not available until February 2011, it seems a snip at just £45,000...the difficult part is deciding what colour to order.

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